Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Meat for Sale!

The grocery stores in Dakar have meat counters and sell meat much like at home, but there are also some other interesting ways to buy meat.
We saw the following door-to-door chicken salesman. He was carrying a number of live chickens who had their legs tied together, and he was going door-to-door selling his chickens. When he stopped at the house across from our apartment, I tried to take his picture. He said something in either French or Woluf, but I could not understand, so I continued to hold my camera up. He quickly lay down some of his chickens and picked up a rock and threw it at me! (No, the rock did not hit me.) I guess he did not want his picture taken! But when he turned around to sell chickens to the people from the house, I took his photo anyway!

Another day as we were driving down one of the major streets, we saw the following car. The inside of the car behind the driver's seat was lined with plastic where there were more chickens .

Here is a display of fish and eel for sale. This was taken on the beach in the fishing area.

Would you like to buy meat for dinner here? The flies are free! In the first photo notice the table set up on the left. One can buy meat, have it cooked, and eat it right there!
Notice the meat hanging on the right. The goat's tail is visible; goat is a common meat. We see many goats at individual homes as we are driven to and from our destinations. Letting the goats feed near your front door keeps the meat fresh and ready for slaughter when you are hungry! We see people washing their goats, petting their goats and combing their goats. We heard from some of the locals that it is good luck to be kind to a goat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I read this blog I was getting ready to go for lunch--meat was not at the top of my list today.