Monday, October 13, 2008

Young Girl

Every day a young girl comes by the church building and asks for water. She speaks no English, so we cannot understand anything that she says. She uses hand motions to tell us that she would like a drink. She probably likes our water because it is kept in the small refrigerator at the church, and she may not get cool water at home.
We don't know what she does with the pan that she carries on her head every day.

Some days she brings her baby sister. Notice the shell necklace that the girl is wearing. This type of necklace is commonly sold in the market. Shells like this one were once used as the currency in Senegal.

The next photo shows how she ties the baby on her back. First she bends over at the waist and puts the baby on her back. Then she ties the fabric around the baby. We see women doing this the same way.
The baby gets a drink, too!

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