Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chimala Primary School, part 3---Tea Time

About 10:00 every morning is "tea time". The tea and bread have to be purchased by the children if they want them. The following photos show how the tea is made. First you will see the pot on the open fire.

Next is the pot with the lid off. You can see the tea.

Next, a boy is dipping some tea into his cup.

The children are free to visit while drinking tea.

Next is preparation for lunch. Meals are provided for the children.

The following woman is cutting cabbage to cook for lunch.

There is always clothes washing to do!

Clothes are hanging out to dry.

These girls were having fun. The second from the left is the daughter of one of my favorite readers, Winfrida. The daughter's name is Elizabeth, and she is in 2nd grade. Winfrida's husband is a doctor. He is studying in another town and will come back to Chimala to work in the hospital by the end of the year.

There is a soccer ("football" to them) field close to the Primary School.

1 comment:

Staci said...

Did you introduce them to sweet tea?