Sunday, January 27, 2008

January Views in Yeovil

Friday there was sun off and on, so we decided to drive into Yeovil and take some pictures of the daffodils that are blooming beside the roads. They are really pretty. Are daffodils blooming in Texas now, too?

We did not think we had ever taken a photo of the outside of our friends' house, so we took one today. The house is at the end of a street----their house is on the right side of the photo and their garage on the left. They (Beryl and Alistair) have left for a three-month trip to Australia to visit relatives and do some other traveling.

This is part of the Augusta Westland facility where Ron is working.


Steve and Joan said...

I don't think we have any tulips blooming in Texas right now but in California I was able to pick oranges, lemons, and limes off the trees this morning for breakfast! There are a lot of blooms here!

The tulips look very pretty alongside the road in England! I guess they are sort of like Bluebonnets in Texas!

Staci said...

There are definitely not any flowers blooming in KS! It's pretty today...but we're supposed to get snow again tomorrow.