We did not think we had ever taken a photo of the outside of our friends' house, so we took one today. The house is at the end of a street----their house is on the right side of the photo and their garage on the left. They (Beryl and Alistair) have left for a three-month trip to Australia to visit relatives and do some other traveling.
This is part of the Augusta Westland facility where Ron is working.
I don't think we have any tulips blooming in Texas right now but in California I was able to pick oranges, lemons, and limes off the trees this morning for breakfast! There are a lot of blooms here!
The tulips look very pretty alongside the road in England! I guess they are sort of like Bluebonnets in Texas!
There are definitely not any flowers blooming in KS! It's pretty today...but we're supposed to get snow again tomorrow.
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