Friday, September 7, 2007

Random Pictures

This is one of the two donkeys who are in the field behind our back fence.

I am really enjoying my neighbor's flowers peeking over my fence!

This photo proves that mosquitos do exist in England! (I was wrong in my earlier post about no mosquitos in England!) We really did not see any until just recently, but even now, they are not anywhere close to as numerous as in Texas!
There was a big article in the newspaper recently about mosquitos and how to avoid bites. (It advocates sleeping under mosquito nets or installing window screens if the problem gets too bad.) The article says that the extremely wet summer has caused the increase in numbers. It also says that the UK mosquitos do not transmit malaria or West Nile, because many of the mosquitos are not the right species for those diseases and also because if the species is right, the climate is too cold for the diseases to grow inside the mosquitos.
People are clogging the help lines with questions about mosquitos-----they should visit Texas if they think they have a problem !!


Staci said...

I'm really impressed that you were able to get a picture of a mosquito! Are they slow?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't take much of a fence to keep a donkey.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember seeing any houses with screens on their windows. Are you still able to sleep with the windows open? If we have to put up with bugs in Texas, at least we have air conditioning!