Monday, October 26, 2009

Chang 'Ombe Village, Part 2----Children and Toys

Following are some photos of Chang'Ombe Village.

The next photo shows a beehive that was about 20 feet up in a tree.

More and more village children came to the church building after the worship service. They wanted to see the white strangers!

Many brought their "toys" along with them. I am not sure if the toys were made by Fisher Price or Playschool!

Don't you love the "cars" in the next photos!

Notice that some of the wheels the next car are made of corn cobs.

The boy on the left may not have much, but he has a water bottle!

These last two boys probably attended church because they are clean and dressed better than most of the children.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Those toys are very inventive. My kids could benefit from fewer store-bought toys!