Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chosi A Village, part 1---the church

There are many very small churches in villages surrounding Chimala. Two of the small villages are Chosi A and Chosi B. At one time the Church of Christ owned a large farm in the Chosi area. That farm grew food for the Chimala Mission Hospital and for the Bible College. By 1980 the land had been taken over by locals since there had been no Christian missionary to farm it for several years. There are still two small churches. Some people from the Arlington area had a part in the construction.
We visited Chosi A. several times, and the photos are from more than one Sunday.
The first photos are of the outside of the building. It is made of mud bricks and has no electricity.

Debbie E. and Muriel are going inside.

Bill S. is teaching the Bible class.
On the right are Jan, Chris R., and Eddie.

Bill and Ezekiel

Before the worship service, the names of the men to lead prayers, etc., are put on the chalkboard. Tam R. is sitting on the bench at the lower left. In front of her are Cyndi S. and Jan.

The next photos were taken during worship services.

Debbie E. is on the left.

The children's class met outside with Menard on Sunday evenings.
During his lesson, more and more children from the village wandered up to take part in the class.

The Chosi A church members have the tradition of lining up to shake hands with each other at the end of each worship service. Muriel and the medical students from Ireland are in the middle of the photo.

Then there is time for visiting with each other.
Notice the contrast in the clothing of the next two ladies.

Ron is beside a tree on the church property.

The following video is of one of the songs during the worship service at Chosi A. This is one of my favorite songs. I wish that we had recorded more of the song.

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