Friday, September 18, 2009

Baseball Party

Our second party was a Baseball Party.
Cyndi was a big help with passing our the name tags!

In the next two photos Ron is explaining a little about how the game of baseball is played and about some of the "baseball words". He taught them the song, "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". Of course, he had to explain "Cracker Jacks"! Later on in the party everyone tasted Cracker Jacks for the first time----and they loved them!
If you wonder about the ladies wearing skirts to a baseball party, it does look a little strange, but skirts are the custom in Africa!

The group was divided into eight teams, with baseball terms as their team names. There were four stations with four different games. The teams competed against each other.

Debbie D.'s station was a baseball throwing game.

Ron's game was a relay where two people had to hold a "baseball" (beach ball) between them on their backs.

Jan's game was one in which a small baseball was thrown by one person and caught by another person using a small Texas Ranger cap. Scores were kept by how many balls each team caught.

Eddie's game involved the pitcher (Bill) throwing a small baseball to each person, who tried to hit it with a tiny plastic bat. The ball had to land within the boundaries on the wall.

Prizes (some of the baseball toys used in the games) were given to each team, with the winning teams getting the "best" prizes. Refreshments were served.
Afterwards there were many photos taken. Most of the guests wanted their photos taken. This was Debbie's and Eddie's last day in Chimala, so there were many tears!

We were all so busy that it was hard to get good pictures, but we all really enjoyed the party. Bernard told us that he loved the parties because they were so much fun and made him feel like a kid again!

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