The cheapest public transportation in Senegal is this yellow and blue bus. These buses are very common in the city. They are in very poor condition. There is no glass in any of the window holes except for the windshield. Because the buses are hot and crowded, usually the back doors are left open for circulation, and many times people hang off of the back. It looks very dangerous, but it only costs about ten cents for a ride!
The next photo shows a building with a bus painted on the side of the building. It looks very real! The sign on the wall below the building says "Camp Penal, Liberte 6". Camp Penal is the State Prison that is located just a few blocks from our apartment. We use this name to direct the taxi drivers toward our apartment. Can you imagine how bad prison life must be when you consider the normal living conditions in Senegal!
The next photos show small white buses. The cost to ride on one is not quite as cheap as the cost to ride on a blue and yellow bus. The white ones are mostly seen traveling the roads from village to village or village to city.
Next is the nice city bus--the blue one. It costs more to ride, but it is comfortable and not so crowded. We rode this one the day we went to the center of the city. Tidiane went with us or we would have not known how to take the bus! Bus routes are not on signs anywhere, and bus drivers speak no English.
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